Answer as many of these questions as possible. The more you answer and the more thoroughly you answer them, the more we have to work with when coming up with your nickname.

When you are done with your questionnaire hit the submit button and you will be taken to the payment page. Remember you choose how much you want to pay for your nickname; it is 100% up to you. Also remember that ½ of all our nicknaming proceeds go to the charity Common Hope.

When you have completed your transaction we will receive your questionnaire and get to work on your nickname and write-up (see featured write-up for an example). You will receive your nickname via e-mail within 10 business days.

Thank you for visiting our site!
The Panda Crew


First and Last Name
Email Address
Date of Birth
What do u do in your free time
What do you do for a living
What is your ideal job
Describe your personality
Your physical appearance
Describe your perfect day
Most embarrassing moment
Which celebrity would you be
Favorite color
Favorite number
Favorite movie
Favorite movie quote
Favorite music or artist
Favorite song
Favorite TV show
Describe your perfect meal
Do you have a special talent
Favorite sports teams
Favorite athlete
Favorite sport to play
What animal would u like to be
What is your dream date
Craziest thing u ever did
How would u use 1 MILL dollars
What would your spy name be
What else should we know
Howd you hear about us
Do you prefer a white or black
Coupon code